Call 855-255-OMER (6637)

Equivalent to: Carton Closing type "A"
Codice: #19818MT3
Characteristics: standard magazine, rear loading
Trigger type: manual actuation
Max fastener length: 3/4"
Min fastener length: 5/8"
Motor: CRT
Manually operating (non pneumatic) Carton Closing Staplers come in several popular crown widths and wire gauges. This is Omer's answer for those wanting an economical carton closing stapler for the 1-3/8" Wide "A" series staple. The Carton Closing tool's "C" series (1-1/4" wide) staple has been a standard in North America for many years but next in line is this tool's "A" series which in more common in South America and Europe. This "A" series stapler can accept leg lengths up to 3/4" long and has adjustments to allow for the clinch type desired. Choose Omer for this Internationally Sourced carton tool that is faithfully made to match Omer's specifications and is always tested & in some details improved, before it leaves the Italian factory.
Call 0438 455318