Call 855-255-OMER (6637)
PL50.16 LJC
Equivalent to: DUO FAST 50 - BeA 95
Codice: #11567530C
Characteristics: standard magazine, bottom loading
Trigger type: single fire with dual activation (dual safety trigger)
Max fastener length: 5/8"
Min fastener length: 3/8"
Motor: MINI
Finding a LONG JAW with a Short Bottom Load Magazine length to keep the size of the tool maneuverable is like finding a pin in a haystack. But with Omer's PL50 series Fine Wire Plier stapler once again the seemingly impossible dreams do come true. A rugged plier designed for tough packaging/carton closing applications. The adjustable pneumatic jaw guarantees the right compression of the cardboard ensuring a perfect clinching. This model comes from the factory with a single length magazine providing extra maneuverability. The two hangers allow the operator to set it in different positions. Reliable, light and durable over time, this robust stapler is designed and manufactured entirely in Italy and is recognized everywhere for superior quality and attention to detail.
Call 0438 455318